
It couldn't be simpler

John Murray

08 April 2024

Isn’t it a funny thing to consider how old the game of golf is and how much it has changed?

With records of the game of golf dating back to 15th century Scotland, it’s fair to say that golf has evolved over the centuries with extensive reinvention and technological changes. Can you imagine what those early golfers from hundreds of years ago would think if they could see all our modern shot-tracking data and technology in action?


Surely, it’s made the game easier?

Even having steel-shafted golf clubs is a relatively new invention considering the timeline of golf, coming into mass production in the 1930s. But what about all the fancy gadgets that we often take for granted nowadays?

Golf GPS devices, like the Bushnell Tour V6 Shift laser, are perhaps the most recent category to be added to the list of unique equipment designed to make golf easier. Bushnell first introduced laser rangefinders to the market back in 1995.


Knowing your yardages


Having the correct yardage reading on hand has long been a staple necessity in the world of golf. Before all our modern tech, golfers typically played by feel having to get a sense of ‘feel’ from nearby yardage markers.

Pioneers of the sport throughout the 20th century implemented more sophisticated processes for keeping distance readings. Deane Beman and Jack Nicklaus are regularly cited as being among the first golfers to popularize dependable notebooks with detailed illustrations. Beman even used to make his caddies walk the course before his tournaments to get reliable, up-to-date readings.

Players today can get their hands on green reading books that give detailed accounts of the features of each green, including the speeds of various slopes. There’s a lot of controversy around these books on tour as it’s argued that pro golfers get too much help and it’s taking away from the skill of the game.

Thankfully, technology has changed over the past few decades, so you won’t be needing to walk any holes before playing them. Bushnell has a fantastic range of different golf GPS devices to suit every kind of golfer.


Bushnell Golf GPS Devices

If you play on particularly hilly courses, you’ll fully benefit from the Phantom 2 Slope handled device. This variation of the Phantom 2 has all the good stuff that the standard Phantom has but includes Bushnell’s Slope compensation technology. This feature takes into account the contours of the hole ahead of you when measuring distances. So, if you're playing uphill, it will account for that when telling you how far you have to the hole. 

browse Bushnell Phantom 2 Slope  >


Bushnell Golf GPS Watches

It doesn’t come easier than having all this state-of-the-art tech strapped to your wrist! The iON Elite golf GPS Watch is an excellent tool that features Bushnell’s Dynamic Green Mapping feature to display sharp, crisp colour renditions of greens.

It has a touchscreen display so can operate it easily with your fingers, and it keeps track of hole-to-hole progress with scorekeeping and statistics capabilities. It also has Bushnell’s Slope-compensation feature and comes with over 38,000 pre-loaded courses. A single charge will give you over 12 hours of battery life so you’ll be more than set for any round of golf.

browse Bushnell iON Elite watch  >


Bushnell GPS Laser Rangefinders

You may be a skilled golfer than can shape their shots just how they like and want to know every slope and hazard on a hole before you play it. If you like to be prepared, you’ll have everything you could need in one of Bushnell’s Rangefinder golf GPS devices.

The Tour V6 Laser Rangefinder is the sixth generation of it’s make, and Bushnell has been refining and upgrading a winning formula now many times over. This Golf GPS has six times magnification capabilities and you can see objects clearly that are over 500 yards away, which will certainly cover most golf holes.

browse Bushnell Tour V6 laser  >



Bushnell’s very latest Laser Rangefinder, the Pro X3+ is oozing with state-of-the-art functionalities. The device is waterproof and has a powerful 7x magnification capability. The gadget has Slope-Switch technology so you’ll have super accurate readings that take into account whether you’re hitting uphill or downhill. When you’re connected to the mobile app, you’ll even be able to study how the wind speed and direction will impact your ball.

browse Bushnell Pro X3+ laser  >


With all this wonderful golfing tech available to us, why would you want to play without it? If you’re still uncertain about how the latest golf GPS devices will benefit your game, our team in the pro shop would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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